Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Willow Wednesday!

Willow is our pet therapy dog that comes to visit us at the hospital every Wednesday!

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  1. Woof! Woof! Golden Woofs to you Willow. LOVE your name. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  2. Such a pretty girl, I'm sure she enjoys her visits.

  3. Cutie! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  4. That's awesome. What a good girl, Willow! My Maya is too hyper to be an official therapy dog and my Pierson is too shy. But they give me a lot of good therapy!!!

    1. Don't feel bad I don't have any dogs that would make good therapy dogs either, now dogs that need therapy?! That is a different subject! :)

  5. Very pretty dog, Willow!

    Christie from lifewithbeagle.com

  6. I won't lie this dog is the best part of my week! She is so pretty and so gentle. I just love her. We are spoiled because we have several pet therapy dogs, and even a pet therapy pony. He comes in to visit the kids and he wears little rubber boots on his hooves so he doesn't slip on the hospital floors. Too cute!

  7. Dear Emily, I came across your blog through the BlogPaws Network. Firstly, let me say Willow is gorgeous and what a wonderful community service she provides visiting the hospital. A special job for a special dog!!! Secondly, You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring and heart warming posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)- Special love and tummy rubs for Willow, and lots of cuddles for those wonderful chickens and I love your angora rabbit - I've never seen one. Where I live rabbits are not allowed. Hope your week has got off to a wonderful start! Blessings, Kerrie
