Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Community Garden 2013

Last evening we went out to the community garden to look at our plots and to pick up seed.  We were looking at our plots, when the Reluctant Farmer in her sly ways, sidled up to a man that was down 4 plots.  I was amazed how she had the nerve to con him out of tilling her plot, and for a minute thought that she had no shame, but quickly realized I had better have no shame either otherwise I was going to have to prep my plot with a hoe and a shovel!  

The gentleman quickly came over and tilled both of our plots, and he got done in 15 minutes what would have taken me 6 hours.  We were so appreciative that he tilled for us!  We learned his name was Tim, and that he was a first year at the garden.  We talked veggies and gardening for a bit and then Tim lent his services to another couple that was there working on their plot as well.  

This is one of my favorite things about the community gardening, the sense of togetherness and friendship that it brings.  The people that you meet when you are there, are people of all walks of life: old, young, new at gardening, old hats at gardening, business people, retired people, etc...  It brings everyone together and gives them a common denominator: growing fresh food.  It is amazing how a little sun, seed, and love can do such a thing....


  1. I don't know about sly, but I was really friendly and smiled. I can't help it if he offered to till my plot he must have felt sorry for me and my tiny hoe.

  2. We just started creating a community garden here in northern Vermont. Yesterday 4 volunteers and myself raked all the leaves off the 90 feet long bed of asparagus. We eagerly await the truck of composted cow manure and the rototiller man. Most critical is the deer fencing we have to fund raise for. 280 feet perimeter to do--we are leaning towards electric fencing and fiberglass 6 foot posts with a solar charger. Are you putting up deer fencing ? Your plot looks great. I look forward to seeing the progress!
    Here is a blog posting about our garden, take a look when you have a moment:

    1. I just love your blog Janis!

      We don't have a deer problem where we are, but do have a squirrel problem which drives me crazy EVERY year! I swear I just can't beat him.

      I hear from friends that deal with deer in their garden that the only way to keep the deer out is the electric fencing and I bet you will be successful with that. I can't wait to see what you do with your garden and pictures of your progress!

      Best, Emily
