Brent Lou got a visitor today after lunch. His Aunt Abby came to visit him! She was surprised just how much he had grown in the last week and how much better he looks. (The last time she saw him he was near death....)
Yesterday he went to visit Dr. Kelley Young at Stonyridge Veterinary Services for a recheck and she was amazed by how well he was doing too. She sedated him and debrided some of the scabbed area over his penis, and stretched his sheath to make sure that he would continue urinating. She gave us instructions on keeping his penis moist with ointment and shaved his fur so that we were no longer fighting the battle of keeping hair out of his wounds. She did say she thinks he will have to have a sheath reconstruction later, but for now as long as he's urinating, all is well. I couldn't be happier!
I am glad he's doing better. I can't believe anyone could do this to a beautiful kitten.