Monday, November 9, 2020

Death Threats, Diet Pepsi, and Post Election Crazy...


    This last week has been a trying week. I have wanted Donald Trump out of office before he was even in office because of the vile person he is. I have seen the man behind the curtain for decades, and I knew he would make a mockery of our county with his antics and he did not let me down. What has let me down though are some of his followers.

    I am struggling with the folks who I assumed were my friends, and were people I respected, as I watch them lash out and spew things about racism, homosexuality and thump their chest while spouting off false rhetoric. It makes my soul hurt. 

    I don't care who you voted for: Trump, Biden, or Kanye West. It really doesn't matter to me. What does matter is decency, equality, and respect, and that has been missing over the last 4 years due to the fact it has been perfectly acceptable (and even encouraged) for deplorable people to act stupid according to our President. 

    Today they have been out in full force, and I had to unfriend someone who I considered a friend as he, yet again, derailed on my Facebook and I received a death threat from another friend. (Classy!) I guess this might be the new norm for awhile. 

    The question I have struggled with today is, what do I do about the friends who I'm seeing in a different light now? Ignoring their behavior doesn't seem like the thing to do, because if I ignore it, then I'm saying their behavior is acceptable. And where voting for whoever you want is okay, being an asshole to other people is not. If I confront it, then I'm in for a fight and I'm tired to my very core. 

    The one thing that made my day today was my friend Tim. 
    Tim is a Republican and he wanted Trump to win the election just as bad as I wanted Biden to win the election. Last week, Tim and I placed a friendly wager on the election where the loser would buy the winner a soda. Well, Tim came through, and he made my day! I have laughed and laughed at his arts and crafts skills. Timmy didn't just come through with the soda, he had that thing blinged out with Trump paraphernalia! This is going on my desk and I will save it for forever, for 2 reasons.

    1) It makes me laugh and brings joy to my life.
    2) I wish all of my friendships could be like my friendship with Tim. We banter back and forth, but respect each other for the opposing views we have. Those are the types of people I want in my life. 

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