Sunday, February 28, 2021

Neil Patrick Harris Season, has arrived!

Today it’s in the mid-50’s here in Ohio, and that means it’s Neil Patrick Harris Season!


What is Neil Patrick Harris Season you ask?!


Neil Patrick Harris Season started several years ago after we realized our dog was NOT the brightest animal on the planet. You see, every year we get a few blissful days in the middle of winter, where spring tries to peek through, and gives us hope that eventually the hell that is winter will come to an end. This usually happens just after our darkest days of winter, when we can’t wait another minute to open the doors and windows to air out the house.


At this house though, the only problem with letting the fresh air indoors is: Anders the dog. 


Anders is beautiful, and has some intelligence, but most days we wonder just where God went wrong when they were handing out brains. Now, he has a brain, it just seems like God assembled him on a Friday afternoon at about quitting time and He was in a hurry to get out the door, because Anders got about half the dose of intelligence that most Belgian Tervurens receive.


A couple years ago, Anders could not get the hang of the screen door. We would let him out of his kennel, and CRASH! Anders would run through that door lookin’ like the Kool-Aid man. This happened time and time again. 



Busted screen… 

Door off hinges… 

Trip to Menard’s… 

Nurse repairs screen… 



It happened so many times that I’m positive the stock market skyrocketed for Menard’s just off the purchase of our replacement screen alone. Finally, at my wit’s end, I noticed our daughter had a laminated headshot of Neil Patrick Harris hanging on the refrigerator for a college art project she was working on, and there my idea was born.


I put that head shot of Neil Patrick Harris on the screen door, and Anders suddenly had brakes! I’m not sure if it worked like it works with birds, where putting something on a window makes them realize there’s a window there, or if Anders was just afraid of Neil’s life-sized head, not attached to a body, staring at him. What I do know is: We bust out Neil Patrick Harris every year, on a day we like to call Neil Patrick Harris Season. The day when we get our first break in the weather, and where we remind Anders that he needs to find his brakes and USE them, because warmer weather is on the horizon. Neil says so!


PS: Neil Patrick Harris, if you see this, we lost the usual headshot we use, if you could have your PR person send us a new one, we would be most appreciative….. 

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