Thursday, March 25, 2021

OMG! It's happening!


    Some of you saw the Facebook Live video I did several weeks ago regarding a broody hen I had named Diane. 

    Diane, named after my mother, is a Buff Orpington hen who desperately wants to be a mother. Several weeks ago, she became an aggressive fool, and we were sort of at our wits end, when a friend of ours generously brought over several fertilized eggs. I have read everything I can possibly read on how this works, what to expect, and discovered that I can do nothing except sit back and let Jesus take the wheel when/if the time comes. Diane has rolled her eggs from box to box, and been a resident psycho about stealing EVERYONE's eggs to put in her nest, so I honestly expected her to have killed the little things by now.

    But, right on schedule, I went out tonight to tuck the flock in and one of our eggs had "pipped" and was chirping! We should have a baby tomorrow! 

    I am so excited and can't believe this actually worked. I was concerned her eggs would not hatch and it would mess with her chicken psyche. (I know this supposedly doesn't happen, but she wants those babies so bad, and I can't help but want them for her!) I was fully prepared to have to buy her a few day old chicks so as to save her therapy later on, but it looks like I might not have to do that. 

     I will keep you all posted on the "new additions".... 

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